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Hamstead Hall Academy Trust

HHA Trust Governance Structure

Click here to download the Governance Handbook 

Executive Team

Executive Team (ID 1247)

  • Mr Jonathan Mortimer
  • Mr Tom Bill
    Director of Finance and Support Services
  • Mr Martin Godfrey
    Director of Estates
  • Ms Rita Barratt
    Director of HR
  • Mr Mike Dodds
    Trust IT Manager


 Please click on the pictures for more information.

Non-executive Directors/Trustees

Hamstead Hall Academy Trust has a team of non-executive directors, also known as Trustee, whose combined skills offer a wealth of experience to support the Trust's activities.

The Trust plays several roles in the life of each of its schools, setting direction and working with the leadership team to ensure that each school provides the best learning environment for its students. The Trust board is responsible for fostering progress in all areas of the schools' operation, promoting value for money and good use of public funds, and championing the schools in the wider community.

Our non-executive directors are successful and committed professionals are chosen for their knowledge of business, finance, IT and education.

The non-executive Directors are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the trust, and in accordance with the provisions set out in the articles of association and its funding agreement. The non-executive directors are legally responsible and accountable for all statutory functions, for the performance of all schools within the trust, and must approve a written scheme of delegation of financial powers that maintain robust internal control arrangements. In addition, it must carry out the three core governance functions:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction.
  • Hold the executive to account for the educational performance of the trust’s schools and their pupils and the performance management of staff.
  • Oversee the financial performance of the trust and make sure its money is well spent.

The current Directors of Hamstead Hall Academy Trust are:

Meet the Directors (ID 1068)

  • Rob Smith
    Chair of the board of Directors 17 Oct 2021 - 16 Oct 2025
  • Surinder Buray
    Director 17 Oct 2021 - 16 Oct 2025
  • Trystan Shaw
    Director 23 June 2020 - June 2028
  • Dr Paulette Osborne MBE
    Co-opted Director - Safeguarding 14 June 2023 to 14 June 2027
  • Hickesh Parmar
    Director January 2023 to January 2027
  • Daniel Stone
    Director September 2023 to September 2027
  • Julia Postin
    Director January 2024 to January 2028
  • Nadeem Bashir
    Director June 2024 - June 2028


Please click on the pictures for more information.

Local Governing Body Chairs


Local Government Body Chairs (ID 1276)

  • Mr Daniel Stone
    Chair of Hamstead Hall Academy LGB
  • Tracy Stone
    Chair of Grestone Academy LGB


Please click on the pictures for more information.

Local Governing Body

A trust board may decide to set up one or more Local Governing Bodies (sometimes known as Advisory Boards to oversee an academy or group of academies (in the academy trust. The trust board will decide which, if any, governance functions they will delegate to local governing bodies which is set out in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation.

At Hamstead Hall Academy Trust each academy has its own Local Governing Body.

Grestone Academy LGB Hamstead Hall Academy LGB 


Most charitable companies have members because of the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. As all academy trusts are set up as charitable companies, they too must have members. In effect, the members sign to say they wish to form a company.

The DfE state: ‘Charity Trustees means the directors of the Academy Trust, who are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Academy Trust’

Members play a limited but crucial role in safeguarding academy trust governance. While they must ensure they do not stray into undertaking the Academy Trustees' role, they should assure themselves that the governance of the trust is effective, that Academy Trustees are acting in accordance with the trust’s charitable object(s) and that they, the Members, use their powers to step in if governance is failing.

It is the trust board, not the members, who are the organisation’s key decision makers.

A Multi Academy Trust can have up to five Members and no less than three Members.

The current Members for Hamstead Hall Academy are:


Members (ID 1069)

  • Rachel Burroughs
    Member 17 Oct 2017 - present
  • Pam Garrington
    Member 17 Oct 2017 - present
  • Peter French
    Member 17 Oct 2017 - present
  • Phillip Riggon
    Member 17 Oct 2017- present
  • Rob Smith
    Member 29 Sep 2022- present


 Please click on the pictures for more information.


Trust boards may establish committees and may choose to delegate functions to them. Where the trust board does delegate functions, the trust board remains responsible and accountable for decisions made.

In addition to local governing bodies, the board currently has two sub committees, namely:

Audit, Finance and Risk committee

The Trust Board has established an Audit, Finance, and Risk Committee to advise and report to the Board on any significant matters relating to finance and audit arrangements, systems of internal control, risk management and to advise the Board to ensure sound and robust oversight of the Trust’s finances and resources, including proper planning, monitoring, and probity.

Pay & Remuneration committee

Has delegated responsibility for considering and recommending to the Board the Trust’s policy for executive remuneration, in accordance with the Department for Education’s Governance Handbook, Setting executive salaries: Guidance for academy trusts, the Academies Trust Handbook, the Academies Accounts Direction, and any other relevant guidance

The committees are responsible for establishing remuneration frameworks and policies that promote and support alignment with the Trust’s long-term charitable aims and purposes, with any performance-related pay schemes relevant and proportionate to the Trust. Any proposals recommended to the Trust board must satisfy the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s requirements.

Committee Terms of Reference 



Hamstead Hall Academy

Grestone Academy